• Cooling Experts Since 1984 !!

More than an Air Conditioner Service Provider

At Rasangi, we are Specialised in delivering Trusted Brands to your day to day life ensuring comfort at your Workplace, Home or On the Go Since 1984.  

Satisfied Customers
Years of Experience
World's leading Air Conditioning & Ventilations Principals

Project & Installations

From Central Air Conditioner Procurement through to Maintenance, we ensure that your objectives are understood & delivered for optimized performance. 

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Repair & Services

With Rasangi, you can depend on our expertise technical team to limit the cost of downtime and energy wastage. 

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Household Installations

Range of products purely focused on Households and Small Offices to Keep You Cool Economically. 

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Vehicle Air Conditioning

Team "DRIVECOOL" committed to provide your vehicle the best Air Conditioning solutions from Clean Installations to Modern Thermal Management. 

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